The eighth episode of Exit Capitalism, Stage Left is out now. This podcast is supported by The Maggie Phair Institute for Democracy and Human Rights.
We continue with our new format for this episode and have a special guest – Nina from Riverside Food Not Bombs. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll find in this episode:
- Human Rights in the U.S. News – Supreme Court discriminating against LGBTQIA+ will probably continue, NFTs and crypto currency are environmentally harmful and scams, and U.S. truckers are planning their own “freedom convoy” to replicate the trucker anti-mask protests in Canada.
- Good News – Elon Musk is being sued. Please sue Elon Musk. I will sue him with you. Email us at if you want me in your Elon Musk lawsuit.
- Rent is actually kind of radical even if the music is kind of outdated.
- An interview with Nina from Riverside Food Not Bombs (@riverside_food_not_bombs on IG) on radical kindness.
- New sharable quotes from past articles and podcasts are up on the MPI’s downloads page.
- Listener question: what do I think of the phrase “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism?”
Don’t forget to send us your questions for the last segment of our podcast at